and Developers Menu |
Contractors & Developers have a special responsibility, the prevention of erosion and sediment transportation in Saratoga County are key aspects of better stormwater management and better watershed health. “My job is only one acre...what could it hurt...?!” QUICK FACTS: From 1980 to 2000 the County population grew by 30.5%. Today the County continues this trend. In any one year there may be as many as 1,200 or more new project-starts. An un-managed site can produce up to 2,000 times the sediment-laden runoff as an undeveloped parcel. All those projects add up.
When the project adds up to a little more than one acre, Contractors & Developers must develop a “Post-Construction” runoff control plan. The post-construction stormwater management plan has to manage the quantity of flow and treat the runoff to remove pollutants so there is no change to the site, hydrologically speaking, when the project is completed.
Click on the menu (at left) for resources and guidance to help make your construction project in Saratoga County a part of the solution. |