is stormwater?
Every year millions of gallons of
Stormwater, in the form of rain and snow
melt, flow through our County.
As stormwater flows through developed areas, it picks up sediment and other pollutants. These pollutants, including oil, chemicals and trash, are being deposited in our lakes, ponds and rivers. If left unmanaged, stormwater can cause waterbodies to become impaired by debris, sediments and flooding, worsening water conditions for drinking, fishing and natural processes.
How is stormwater managed?
Stormwater runoff is collected and directed through storm drain systems to local streams, rivers, lakes, ponds and wetlands. Stormwater management keeps our streets and highways dry during average rainstorms and protects our homes from floods during extreme storm events and the spring snow melt. In short, stormwater management helps us all to keep our heads above water.
can I do as a resident?
While stormwater can be managed through storm drain systems, the most effective way to mitigate the impacts of stormwater is by reducing pollution before it is washed away. As a resident, you can help with stormwater management by reducing your domestic footprint, reporting a violation and getting involved in management efforts.
General Information on Stormwater from the NYS DEC
EPA Stormwater Program Page
EPA NPDES for Kids
What's the Big Deal? PDF- The 'Why Water Quality Fact Sheet' gives background information on common stormwater pollutants.
NEMO Development Impacts on Water PDF- Explains how development has changed the flow of water.
NPS Top 10 presentation PDF